Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Insurance for camels (Albaaeer)
Insurance for camels (Albaaeer) Introduction There is a need to introduce a camel general insurance policy due to the increased needs to protect camels in the UAE. Such an insurance policy should cover camels against sickness, accidental loss of the camel arising from fire, theft, and legal liability arising out of the camelââ¬â¢s damage to properties belonging to third parties such as crops.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Insurance for camels (Albaaeer) specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the UAE, camels are valued, and people take care of the animals to ensure that they are safe and healthy. The camels have values in the society. The people also attach an economic value to the animal. Camels can survive in the harsh desert conditions, and this aspect is suitable for areas which are dry. The camels are used for transport. They also supply milk and meat. Camels are also used to pay dowry, and they are sources of pride for the people in the UAE (Salem and Staff Reporter, p. 1). Today, they are also used in sports, such as racing (Zacharias, para. 6). In this paper, the author provides a proposal that Dubai Insurance Company will establish an insurance policy called Albaââ¬â¢aeer. The policy will provide cover for the upkeep, racing, and breeding camels in the region. New product development plan for selected opportunity Pricing In all businesses, a product is brought to the market after passing all stages of full new product development process. Pricing is the last stage in the new development process. The other stages, starting from the first one, are as follows; idea generation, idea screening, concept development and screening, business analysis, beta and market testing, technical implementation, commercialization and lastly the new product pricing. As a marketing manager, developing a strategic plan in setting the price of the Albaaeer is very recommendable. The pricing strategy will consider the all the co sts and the profit margin of the product. A marketing manager should focus on the current and the future situation of the market of the Albaaeer and not historical to ensure that the right price is set for the product. A mind that thinks of today and tomorrow will help marketing managers to set a strategy of pricing that will help make profits today and tomorrow. A mind that thinks of the experiences will obviously drag the marketing manager into setting prices to recover the costs that were incurred long time ago (Tailan, and Liu, 695). The pricing process will consider the fact that the product is new and that customers will not be willing to buy the product because they have not used it before. Marketing managers should take immediate actions in regards to how the buyers respond to the prices that have been set for the Albaaeer. The prices will be tested to test the response of the customers.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we ca n help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The managers should develop pricing strategies that shift with the shift of the price sensitivities of buyers. The insurance products have a price-elastic demand, and this indicates that the price of Albaaeer will be determined by the demand in the market. In case the demand for Albaaeer increases, the price will automatically be increased, and in a situation where the demand of the product decreases, the price will also decrease (Tailan, and Liu, 697). Once more, while developing a pricing strategy in planning for the new product development, in this case, the Albaaeer, marketing managers should study the competition of other products or other organizations selling the same product. It is more preferred for one to be on a creative plane while doing business than being on the competitive plane. When there is no otherwise, the marketing managers in a competitive environment are advised to be alert to the market trend, but not copying what the competing organizations are doing. The marketing managers of the organizations selling Albaaeer in the UAE have to plan their own pricing strategy and not copying the pricing strategies of their competing counterparts. The pricing strategy will also consider the taxes that have been imposed by the government. The taxes account for the price of a product and should be incorporated in the price of the product. The government requires all businesses to pay taxes, and the Albaaeer insurance product should incorporate the tax component. The pricing of the product will be a cover of 50,000 to 1 million Dirham. It will be tailor made in that one can pay as low as 500 Dirham per month. This is to ensure that those who are in the low end market can afford to pay for the product and provide cover for their camels. This is also because the price is one of the ways that the company will be able to receive revenue from the sales made in theoretical term it is one of the most important determinants of the perception of customers when they are making purchases (Salem and Staff Reporter, 1). The marketing managers of Albaaeer organizations too, while planning for the new pricing strategies for the product should think of the product life cycle. As I said earlier, it is wise to set a pricing strategy that has its focus on today or rather the current and the future situation. The product life cycle clearly elaborates that towards the Decline phase, the prices of products start to go down due to the market saturation with the products and the increase of price sensitivity with the increase of productsââ¬â¢ knowledge. The marketing managers of the Albaaeer organizations should set pricing strategies that are flexible.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Insurance for camels (Albaaeer) specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Promotion Promotion refers to the process of creating awa reness about the products in the market. This can be done through advertising, television, social media, and other communication media. Promotion increases the knowledge about the products in the market. Companies also educate customers about the products through promotion. The companies use promotional strategies to encourage potential customers to try the new products in the market. Therefore, promotion is an important tool when a new product is introduced in the market (Tailan, and Liu, 698). The product promotion will entail advertising the product to ensure that customers are well aware of its existence in the market. The advertisement will be done TV, radio, social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace and also on the companyââ¬â¢s website through a link that will enable the user to find more information about the product with regard to price, cover provided, extensions of the cover and those things that are not provided in the cover. We also use brochures th at will be placed at strategic points on the premises of the business to ensure accessibility by the customers. The physical product promotion will entail the use of bright and attractive displays on TV with appealing colors. We have chosen green to be our theme color as it communicates trust, nature and calmness and more so because it is a product covering animals- camel (Albaaeer). The cover of the policy with regard to the sum insured premiums to be paid per month, and the benefits that will accrue to the policyholder will also be provided. On realizing that people like free things, the marketing manager of the organizations dealing with Albaaeer and Albaaeer products can organize an event to give away products with an aim of drawing and attracting customers who could at first been disinterested. Organizing promotional events helped our organization to send a press release about our products. We also got a chance to let the public know, through the use of the local newspapers. Th e use of business cards as a way of promoting Albaaeer products can greatly influence the buyers in the UAE in a wide range. Handing out of printed promotional items can help an organization to venture into the interiors in marketing its products. Another way of using promotions in new product development is by offering samples to people with great influence whom after using or reviewing the products offer back a positive response which in turn help to convince customers to try the products. The other tool for product promotion for new product development is the use of testimonials. In the the UAE, Albaaeer organizations can collect testimonial from customers who have used and got satisfied with the products, that is, the camel itself, its milk or meat. The testimonials from customers can greatly help to retain and influence other potential customers who trust their opinions into trying the product (Jaffer, 4).Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More All the factors that will influence the consumer behavior towards the newly developed product There are several factors that will influence consumer behavior towards Albaââ¬â¢aeer insurance policy. Consumers purchasing decisions are influenced by cultural, social, personal and psychological factors. Clients who will opt to buy the product and those who will not buy it are influenced by different factors. Many of these factors are beyond the control of the marketers, and they are unique in term of the environment from which one was born and grown. First, cultural factors are influenced by what one was taught from a young age up to maturity. These teachings range from family, school, religious institutions and society at a large. The basic values that shape individualsââ¬â¢ tastes, preferences and perceptions teach in these institutions. For some, they have been taught that insurance is not important especially for animals like camels. For others, due to their religious beliefs insurance is not crucial especially among the Muslims. For others because they do not keep camels due to their own personal reasons, they might not just find it necessary to purchase camel insurance policies (Al-Mutawa, 345). Social factors that influence the consumer behavior are reference group, family, social roles and status. The reference group is the group of people whose opinions are considered by a member when making purchasing decisions. The group can also affect oneââ¬â¢s personal life or profession. These groups are can further be divided into family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers who interact with the individual on most occasions. For those clients who belong in a social group that believe in camel insurance or those who keep these animals are most likely to purchase the product compared to those who are not (Strazzieri, et al. 435). Other groups like religious groups and professional associations affect also oneââ¬â¢s buying behavior depending on the beliefs o f the group concerning insurance. Family members also have a strong influence on oneââ¬â¢s purchasing decisions. People from different families tend to be different in terms of their tastes and preferences that they value since childhood regarding insurance. Parents also provide the first orientation for their kids and in most cases for these kids whatever their parents used to like will be their likes and vice versa. Consumers also will be influenced to buy or not depending on their roles and status in the family either as: a husband, wife and first male son. The status that one has defined roles and ultimately the buying decisions (Strazzieri, et al. 436). There are also personal factors that influence consumer behavior such as life cycle, occupation, economic circumstances, lifestyle, personality and self concept. People undergo various life cycles in life that influence their purchasing decisions for the product. For those who are single, they most unlikely to own a camel com pared to those who are married because they have less needs compared to their counterparts. Due to these variances, their needs for camel insurance policies also vary (Foxall, 63). Consumersââ¬â¢ aspirations to purchase a camel insurance change according to the prevailing economic condition changes. As the economic conditions undergo various cycles with time so do their financial ability to purchase this product change. Their occupation also influences their lifestyle, which eventually influences they need to purchase camel insurance. For those in an occupation that has a high pay, they are most likely to purchase camel insurance compared to those who are in those occupations that do not pay well. Lastly, consumer behavior is also influenced by a personââ¬â¢s psychological factors which include motivation, perception, learning, beliefs and attitudes. Different people tend to have different inner motives and a perception that satisfies certain needs in life. People will buy cam el insurance because of that inner motivation to do so and satisfy the need of averting the financial loss that comes with not insuring. For those consumers who perceive camel insurance to be an important means of avoiding loses, they are likely to purchase the product compared to those who do not. Learning about human behavior, which comes from experience, also influences consumer behavior of this product. For those people that have a good experience with camel insurance, they are most likely to purchase compared to those who lack the same experience. Beliefs and attitudes that consumers have will also influence their buying decisions. Those that believe that camel insurance is important and have an optimistic attitude towards the same are most likely to purchase compared to those who do not (Miniard, and Cohen, 171). Three possible problem situations the consumers might encounter in the delivery of service and how I plan to fix each problem Problem by adopting a new product in the market The company will encounter the problem of adoption of the new product. The adoption of new products varies with customers. There are customers who are early adopters. This class of customers has the characteristic that new products are easily adopted. However, there are laggards who do not accept new products easily. They wait until a product is well established in the market. Albaaeer is at the introduction stage of the product life cycle. At this stage, The product is new in the market, and most of the customers are not aware about the presence of the product. At this stage, the company sells the product to early adopters. These are the customers who are ready to use the product without prior knowledge. The product at this stage requires to be promoted intensively so that people can know the existence of the product. At the introduction stage, the laggards are not willing to test the products because they do not know anything about the product (SaÃËaÃËksvuori and Immon en, 166). Therefore, the company will encounter the problem of laggards because such customers will not be ready to accept the Albaaeer. To deal with this problem, the management should develop intensive promotion campaigns to educate all the potential customers about the new products. This will be done through online channels, televisions, radio stations and newspapers among other media. Most people in the UAE are not aware about insurance and customers view insurance products as a scam to con them money Insurance in the UAE has not penetrated to a large extend because most people are not aware about the existence of insurance policies. However, people in the country have accepted life-insurance products, but they are not ready to take retirement insurance products. ââ¬Å"The low rate of penetration could also be because of very few global insurance companies operate in the UAE and there only a limited number of tailored productsâ⬠(Chaudhuri, para. 6). Most insurance compani es in the region offer products in motor insurance because it is mandatory. The other products have not been properly marketed. Most of the products have not been offered to the customers. People have bad perceptions about the insurance products. The bad perception was created by former insurance companies which stole money from customers. The companies could fail to pay the customers their dues when risks, which are issued, occurred. This created apathy among customers because genuine cases were not compensated. ââ¬Å"Although insurance penetration in the UAE is the highest in the Middle East, experts say it still is relatively low compared to mature marketsâ⬠(Chaudhuri, para. 1). The company should educate people about the importance of insuring camels. Intensive promotion should be conducted to ensure that people are aware that the company does not aim at conning their money. Cultural problems Customer perception differs from one community, society or nation to another due to the cultural differences that exist between them. If not properly strategized, starting an organization in an environment with cultural difference has very high chances of failing. A situation may arise where lets say, the customers are so into the existing product and may not need another that is so satisfying. The UAE is a combination of many Arab countries, showing that there are many different cultures with different desires. In such a case, marketing managers should do research deep down the roots to know everything about the market and to forecast. It is wise for the foreign marketers to invest in places where there are cultural exchanges to avoid cultural conflicts. The cultural systems in the UAE have restricted the penetration of insurance companies. The young people are not ready to take insurance policies. In addition, the people have the perception that insurance is an extra expense rather that a protective cover. This aspect hinders insurance companies from selling their products in the UAE market (Chaudhuri, para. 10). The company should promote a culture of ensuring all assets among the people in the UAE. This can be achieved by encouraging and educating people about the importance of having insurance cover. The company can liaise with the government to educate people on the importance of having insurance policies. Conclusion In the process of new product development, marketing managers should do thorough research before they bring products to the market. They should be very innovative in all the eight stages of new product development and keen to the customersââ¬â¢ responses towards all the actions they may undertake in order to satisfy them. Many businesses fail due to poor strategic planning in product development. Camel insurance is an important product that has a high potential of acceptance from customers in the UAE. The introduction of such product should be done in a strategic manner because the people in the UAE have not accepted all insurance products in the market. People in the region have taken motor insurance because it is compulsory, but other insurance policies have not been readily accepted. Therefore, introducing the Albaaeer will face some challenges. The company should provide attractive prices because the product has an elastic demand. In addition, intensive promotion should be conducted to ensure that all customers are aware about the existence of the product. Al-Mutawa, Mohammed A. J. Factors Influencing The Consumer Process In the UAE Society. International Sociology 11.3 (1996): 337-357. Web. Chaudhuri, Ritwika. Insurance penetration. the UAE Digest. Web. Foxall, Gordon R. Social Factors In Consumer Choice: Replication And Extension. Journal Of Consumer Research 2.1 (1975): 60-64. Web. Jaffer, Sohail. Islamic Insurance: Trends, Opportunities and the Future of Takaful. London: Euromoney, 2007. Web. Miniard, Paul W., and Joel B. Cohen. Modeling Personal And Normative Influences On Behavior. J ournal Of Consumer Research 10.2 (1983): 169-180. Web. SaÃËaÃËksvuori, Antti, and Anselmi Immonen. Product Lifecycle Management. Berlin: Springer, 2008. Web. Salem, Fatma and Staff Reporter. Camels a key part of THE UAEs rich heritage. Gulf News. Web. 2012 https://gulfnews.com/uae/camels-a-key-part-of-uaes-rich-heritage-1.603548 Strazzieri, Alain et al. Societal Development And Family Purchasing Roles: A Cross-National Study. Journal Of Consumer Research 9.4 (1983): 436-442. Web. Tailan, Chi, and John Liu. Product Life Cycle, And Market Entry And Exit Decisions Under Uncertainty. IIE Transactions 33.9 (2001): 695. Web. Zacharias, Anne. The rich history of camel racing. The National. Web.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Conjugate Mentir (to Lie) in French
How to Conjugate Mentir (to Lie) in French The French verbà mentirà means to lie. While that may be relatively easy to remember, youll also want to know how to conjugate the verb. This will allow you to use it appropriately in the present, past, or future tense and form a complete sentence.à Mentirà is not the easiest conjugation, so be sure to find out the basic forms you need to know. Basic Conjugations ofà Mentir Mentir is an irregular verb, which is what makes its conjugations a little more challenging than others. It doesnt follow a regular pattern in the infinitive endings, though most French verbs ending in -mir, -tir, or -vir are conjugated in the same way. You might find it helpful to study a few at once to make memorizing each a little easier. The imperative verb mood is used most often and allows you to expressà mentirà in the present, future, and imperfect past tenses. Since it is irregular, you will notice that the verb stem- men-à - has some unusual endings in this chart. However, with enough practice, you can commit them to memory. Using the chart, match the subject pronoun to the appropriate tense for your sentence to find the correct conjugation. For example, I am lying isà je mensà and we lied isà nous mentions. Present Future Imperfect je mens mentirai mentais tu mens mentiras mentais il ment mentira mentait nous mentons mentirons mentions vous mentez mentirez mentiez ils mentent mentiront mentaient The Present Participle ofà Mentir The present participle of mentir is produced by adding -ant to the verb stem. This gives you the word mentant. Mentirà in the Compound Past Tense In French, theà passà © composà ©Ã is a compound past tense. It is constructed by combining a present tense conjugate of theà auxiliary verbà avoirà with theà past participleà menti. For example, I lied isà jai mentià and we lied isà nous avons menti. More Simple Conjugations ofà Mentir Beyond those basic conjugations, you may find yourself needing a few other forms ofà mentirà at times. These can be rather useful if, for instance, the action of lying is uncertain, in which case youll use the subjunctive. Or, the lying may depend on something else, so the conditional can be used. On occasion, you may also encounter the passà © simple or the imperfect subjunctive. Yet, these are rarely used so they do not have to be a priority in your studies. Subjunctive Conditional Passà © Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je mente mentirais mentis mentisse tu mentes mentirais mentis mentisses il mente mentirait mentit mentà ®t nous mentions mentirions mentà ®mes mentissions vous mentiez mentiriez mentà ®tes mentissiez ils mentent mentiraient mentirent mentissent Withà mentirà you will findà the imperativeà formà useful for short commands. When using it, skip the subject pronoun: useà mensà rather thanà tu mens. Imperative (tu) mens (nous) mentons (vous) mentez
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Research Enhanced Interpretation of a Short Story Paper
Enhanced Interpretation of a Short Story - Research Paper Example The brothers Philly and Neil are aptly described in terms of their actions in the story scenes, and hint on their family background and a glimpse of their past. The issue of their dead sister, Sarah Rose whose picture resides in Neilââ¬â¢s wallet and brought out at will when the boys seem to be at a loss, just whets the appetite of the reader, as her story is not brought to fruition. The truth in the feelings of forbidden love shared by Jules and Philly does not necessarily emerge in words, but finds expression in meaningful glances, and eventually, physical intimacies. Restraining themselves in consideration of their present partners Neil and Mandy becomes more difficult as it becomes obvious that the feelings are mutual between them. Neil and Mandy have become mere shadows in the story as they kept mum of whatever observations they may have of the palpable emotions between their respective partners. Jules is one young lady who has yet to find her true self. She is a wanderer who tries to take in lifeââ¬â¢s adventures as it comes, but needs to stand up for her own convictions. Before coming into the lives and homes of brothers Neil and Philly, she has traveled extensively as a teenager, and has become vulnerable to temptations. Sheââ¬â¢s played the role of girlfriend to Neil even if she didnââ¬â¢t feel like it just because it was expected of her. It balanced the equation with Philly and Mandy being lovers. She read into Phillyââ¬â¢s glances a feeling of being loved by him, which developed her own feelings for him as well. Out in the snow when Philly was mistakenly shot by Neil, she validated that feeling from him as they kissed. There were no words necessary to know such truth. Philly restrained his feelings for Jules out of respect for his brother, Neil who treated her like his girlfriend. Not once did he utter a word to anyone to give him away. It was only with his longing looks aimed at Jules that he was able to express this hidden love for
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
European Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
European Economics - Essay Example But this has supported unsustainable agricultural sectors. Therefore, after three reforms in 1992, 1999 and 2003 it has been reduced to 45%, which is 55 billion euro per year, with the prospect of further reductions in regard to new long term EU budget of 2014 ââ¬â 2020. (EC. 2005; Doliak, 2004; Europa, 2011) There were two pillars of CAP. The first pillar was the current Single Farm Payment whereas the measures of the second pillar aimed to support development and diversification of rural communities. The CAP Health Check was launched in 2008, so as to modernize the policy and provide assistance when answering to new challenges such as climate changes. The EU 27 also agreed to further cut direct subsidies to farmers, so that there can be benefit of the rural development policy and also toà abolish quotas on milk production. (ELO. 2001; EC., 2003) The future of CAP beyond 2010 in context of the general reform of EU budget has started in 2010. The European Commission highlighted the fact that agriculture must do more to mitigate climate changes and consider the option to establish the third pillar of CAP focusing on this issue. Also it stressed that the current single payment scheme could by maintained but targeted at providing public goods so as to real EU added value. Former commissioner Marian Fischer Bowl has committed to the farmers to carbon emission will be reduced by 20 % by the year 2020. (Europa, 2011) The biggest recipient of CAP funds was France. The largest per capita beneficiaries from CAP were Greece and Ireland. All four graduated countries were net beneficiaries of EU budget and CAP funding. At the start of February 2010, the ministers of agriculture of Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Cyprus and Bulgaria agreed in Warsaw on common statement on the future of CAP after 2013. They wanted both pillars to be preserved. They also opposed to the idea of basing the payment level on historical principle. The economic crisis seriously attacked the European agricultural sector, especially the Dairy Farming. Farm milk prices began to fall in late 2008 until it brought the whole sector at the edge. Europe was a witness of several protests of farmers calling for action against volatility of prices and phasing out milk quotas as soon as possible, due to surplus production of milk and dairy products and falling prices. (Europa, 2011) In about 2020, the European Commission will publish a Communication on CAP which will meet the food, natural resources and territorial challenges in the near future. The reform focused in making the European agriculture sector more dynamic, competitive, and effective in responding to the Europe 2020 vision of stimulating sustainable growth, smart growth and inclusive growth. The paper outlined three options for further reforms. In mid 2011, the Commission will present formal legislative proposals following the discussion on these ideas. (Europa, 2011) On the basis of the Communication today, the Commissioner of EU Agriculture and Rural Development highlighted on the importance of making CAP greener, fairer, more efficient and more effective. As per him, CAP will not be just for farmers but for all the EU citizens ââ¬â as consumers and taxpayers. Hence, it is important that we design our policy in a way which will more simply
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Miss Maddie Mae Essay Example for Free
Miss Maddie Mae Essay Goooooood morning Omaha! It is 6:30 am and the high today is 101 degrees. Thats right, it is going to be another hot one, make sure to make it down to Linoma Beach today, well be down there giving out some cool prizes and its your chance to winI roll over on my side to hit the snooze button and I wipe my forehead with a wet cloth to cool down. I lay in bed for just a few more minutes starring up at my ceiling as I notice an annoying tick coming from my fan, which by the way, is on so high it looks like it is going to plummet from my ceiling at any given moment. Whats today? Something important is supposed to happen today, I think to myself,SHOOT! Its Thursday, I yell out stridently and I quickly jump out of bed to my feet and sprint to the shower trying not to trip over practically 18 pairs of shoes and so much clothes it would last me the rest of the summer without having to wear the same wardrobe twice. What are you in such a big hurry for? my mom asks me as I cut her off, shut the door, and hop in the shower. Its Thursday, I yell back through the walls and over the noise of the shower. And.Ma, how could you forget? Maddies plane comes in at 8:00, Im supposed to pick her up!Well, you better get a move on then Lauren, Its 6:45!I finally get out of my house by about 7:00 and I anxiously drive to the airport, praying I wont be late. I havent seen Maddie since last summer when she moved to LA to live with her dad for a while. Maddie has been my best friend for the longest time, no one could even compare to our friendship. She is the most real person anyone would ever meet. Did I mention were exactly alike? We are crazy! Im hoping now shes home for good, Im not the same without her by my side 24/7, the worst part about it all is that she refuses to tell me whether shes staying or leaving until I pick her up. It is all very stressful, it really is! I arrive at the airport just barely making it and I wait for her by the security checkpoint because youre not allowed to go any further than that anymore without a ticket. Kieny! My girl,I had to look twice at where that familiar voice came fromà because she looked so different. Last time I saw her she had a light caramel brown hair but now she had gone back to being that beautiful bleach blonde hair and blue-eyed girl I knew her to be with a golden bronze tan. Wow, it has been so long, I respond with a huge smile on my face shaking my head back and forth in unbelief. Too long, she replies as we hug jumping up and down with laughter and joy. Once we had our girl screaming fest, we went to this little cafà © back out in Millard so we could sit outside and grab a cup of coffee and some breakfast to catch up on lost time. So whats it like in LA, I can see youve got their style down thats for sure, you look like a Laguna Beach chick,Maddie leans back in her chair, slides her aviators off of her nose and on top of her head, places both elbows on the arms of the chair, and swings her right leg over the left. Its a dream come true, it really is. You would love it there, Kieny So, its my first day back, what big plans do you got for us girl?I didnt exactly have anything planned, I figured we would just go with it, but if I were to tell her that she would be disappointed. I replied, Well, its supposed to get pretty hot today so I think we should go to Linoma Beach, a bunch of people will be out there anyways,Sounds good. Guess what home girl? she questions me in a tone of dissatisfaction. Oh no come on now Maddie, is this where you tell me your not staying? I asked her with great hesitation. She paused for what seemed to take 2 hours, but in actuality it was just for a few seconds, Nope! Girl you better believe Im not going anywhere!I shoot out of my seat with excitement and practically spill coffee all over her white California style tube top and her high top shoes,Thats the way it should be, I laughed,And thats the way it will always be, she said backà giving me another hug.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Analysis of A Lesson Before Dying Essay -- Ernest J. Gaines
Grant Wiggins is the narrator of the novel. He was born in the plantation just outside of Bayonne, Louisiana. He lived there until he went away to college, and when he went back home, he was detached from the people in the town because of his education and different religious beliefs. He is easily angered and often very selfish. This is seen in the way that he acts towards Vivian. He consistently does not give her the attention or respect that she deserves. He refers to her children as simply, ââ¬Å"the babies,â⬠and only cares about the names of his and Vivianââ¬â¢s future children. Grant goes from shallow and selfish at the beginning of the story, to caring and loving at the end. Jefferson is an honest, young black man with below-average intelligence. After being called a hog by his lawyer, he loses all self-respect, and feels as if he is really no better than a hog. He becomes sullen and angry after being sentenced to death. The visits that Grant pays Jefferson eventually revive him out of his emotional slumber, and he begins to see himself as a human being again. Ultimately, he serves as Grants teacher, as he shows him how to be loyal and how to love. Tante Lou is Grantââ¬â¢s extremely religious and aunt. She is very persistent, and does not stop begging Henri Pichot until he agrees to talk to the sheriff about her and Grant visiting Jefferson. Tante Louââ¬â¢s faith allows her to believe that Jefferson will die as a man. Without this faith, Grant, at first, does not believe in Jefferson. Despite her social status because of her skin, she and Miss Emma dress with dignity, and demand respect from all who will give it to them. Minor Characters Miss Emma is Jeffersonââ¬â¢s godmother. She loves her godson Jefferson, and shows this through all of... ...ed by Grant on his drive to Bayonne. ââ¬Å"I want you to show them the difference between what they think you are and what you can be.â⬠This is a quote from Grant to Jefferson. Grant tries to instill on Jefferson the significance of his death. He wanted Jefferson to be an example of the strength of black people as a whole. ââ¬Å"To show too much intelligence would have been an insult to them. To show a lack of intelligence would have been a greater insult to me.â⬠This is a quotation of Grantââ¬â¢s thoughts. He was talking to the sheriff, and did not know how to act. He is more educated than the sheriff, but since he is black, he cannot show it. ââ¬Å"Manners if for the living.â⬠This quote is from Jefferson to Grant. Jefferson said this to Grant after insulting Vivian. It shows his lack of love for life. At this point of the story, he was sad and lonely and did not want to live.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Minamata Disease
Minamata diseaseà sometimes referred to as Chisso-Minamata diseaseà is aà neurologicalà syndrome caused by severeà mercury poisoning. Symptoms includeà ataxia,à numbnessà in the hands and feet, generalà muscle weakness, narrowing of theà field of visionà and damage toà hearingà andà speech. In extreme cases,à insanity,à paralysis,à coma, andà deathfollow within weeks of the onset of symptoms. Aà congenitalà form of the disease can also affectà foetusesà in the womb. Minamata disease was first discovered inà Minamataà city inà Kumamoto prefecture,à Japan, in 1956.It was caused by the release ofà methylmercuryà in the industrialà wastewaterà from theà Chisso Corporation's chemical factory, which continued from 1932 to 1968. This highlyà toxicà chemicalbioaccumulatedà in shellfish and fish inà Minamata Bayà and theà Shiranui Sea, which when eaten by the local populace resulted in mercury poisoning. While cat, dog , pig, and human deaths continued over more than 30 years, the government and company did little to prevent the pollution.As of March 2001, 2,265 victims had been officially recognised (1,784 of whom had died) and over 10,000 had received financial compensation from Chisso. By 2004, Chisso Corporation had paid $86 million in compensation, and in the same year was ordered to clean up its contamination. On March 29, 2010, a settlement was reached to compensate as-yet uncertified victims. A second outbreak of Minamata disease occurred inà Niigata Prefectureà in 1965. The original Minamata disease andà Niigata Minamata diseaseà are considered two of theà Four Big Pollution Diseases of Japan
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Legacies Left Behind from Ancient Rome
From ancient times, Romeââ¬â¢s legacies are still the greatest known to man today. Throughout the western world the influence of Roman power is still manifest. The impact of Rome has furthered our society into an effective and successful modern world. Without the advanced structure of buildings and a thorough law process, who knows how different our lives and world would be. The great arches, the high statues and buildings, all come from Roman background. The law process we use to this day is based on the Ancient Roman law format. Although some of the legacies carried on from the Romans werenââ¬â¢t all great i. e. lavery, the good outweighed the bad. Architecture was crucial to the success of Rome, from temples to bridges to aqueducts, every building got more advanced (Suny Oneonta, 2012). As the Roman power grew over an immense area, the Romans built aqueducts to carry adequate amounts of water to all its cities. This has now been implemented underground all over the world and is called plumbing. Many cities around the world still contain amphitheatres. In Ancient Rome amphitheatres acted as arenaââ¬â¢s in which spectacles were staged for entertainment. The grandest amphitheatre, most famously called the Colosseum is still standing today.Triumphant arches like the Arch of Titus or the Arch of Trajan, were to signify great military triumphs and now the structure of the arch is used worldwide. The tradition of Roman architecture has had a very important effect on America. For example, the U. S Supreme Court building in Washington is directly based on the Roman temple type. This particular building related to the Romans all the way down to the white marble, which signifies Roman authority. In Rome there was a building called the ââ¬ËBasilicaââ¬â¢, this building was the town hall but was commonly used as a courthouse.Like courthouses today there was an apse where the magistrate sits to control the courthouse and dispense the law (Wikipedia, 2012). N ot only have we kept alive the building structure of the Ancient Roman courthouse (Wikipedia, 2012), we have kept the law process too. Although the Roman law is no longer applied in legal practice, the basis of our laws today derive from the Roman traditions (UNRV, 2012). Modifications have been made to suit society as it grows, a coherent system was put in place and laws are written in the national language. Todayââ¬â¢s legal system has a Roman eritage and knowledge of Roman law is indispensable to understand the legal systems of today. In Ancient Rome slavery played a big part, whether the Romans owned a slave or whether they were one themselves. Slaves were people captured in battles, which were then sold and forced to work for whoever owned them. Abandoned children were also bought up as slaves. Slaves werenââ¬â¢t all the same prices depending on the age or skill, some were more expensive than others, but all could be bought at the same market place. In Rome a slave is a s lave for life.However a slave could acquire freedom from their owner or if they bought it themselves. A rich man could have as many as 500 slaves and an emperor usually had more than 20,000. Even after Rome passed its days of greatness, it was thought that at least 25% of the population of all people in Rome were slaves (History Learning Site, 2012). This is one of those legacies society could have gone without, although slavery was abolished around 100 years ago, equality is a very big part of todayââ¬â¢s contemporary world and this was a very big part of the world 100 years ago (Wikipedia, 2012).All in all, if you weigh the good and the bad legacies left behind from Rome, there has been a much greater positive impact on todayââ¬â¢s contemporary world than a negative one. Although slavery is something the world should be ashamed of, the buildings, the structure, the law process and the language are only some of the great legacies that have shaped our modern world. It doesnâ⠬â¢t make up for the long history of equality, but without the majority of the legacies from Rome our world wouldnââ¬â¢t be as successful and effective as it is today.Without Rome and its legacies, the contemporary world wouldnââ¬â¢t be the same. We would know no different, but imagining the world without these significant details is so challenging because we all live our lives with some basis of Rome. Whether it is the plumbing in a house. Whether it is the arches on a front porch. Whether it is the federal courthouse or the legal system and law process. Rome and its power never really faded because it still affects humanity today, the legacies Rome left behind affect all of us in some way. BibliographyHistory Learning Site, 2012, Roman Slaves, 2nd September 2012, http://www. historylearningsite. co. uk/roman_slaves. htm Kpn, 2008, Roman Law, 1st September 2012, http://home. kpn. nl/otto. vervaart/roman_law. htm Rathborne, M. Panczyk, P. Neale, T. Discovering World History Stage 4, 2008, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne. Suny Oneonta, 2012, Roman Power/Roman Architecture, 30th August 2012, http://employees. oneonta. edu/farberas/arth/arth200/politics/roman_architecture. html ThinkQuest, 2011, Government ââ¬â The Monarchy and Early Rome, 1st September 2012, http://library. hinkquest. org/26602/republic. htm UNRV History, 2012, Ancient Roman Laws, 5th September 2012, http://www. unrv. com/government/laws. php Webmaster, 2012, Legal Roles ââ¬â Then and Now, 1st September 2012, http://www. dl. ket. org/latin3/mores/legallatin/legal02. htm Webmaster, 2012, The Roman Legal System, 2nd September 2012, http://www. dl. ket. org/latin3/mores/legallatin/legal01. htm Wikipedia, 2012, Architecture of Rome, 30th August 2012, http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Architecture_of_Rome Wikipedia, 2012, Roman Law, 3rd September 2012, http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Roman_law
Thursday, November 7, 2019
CEET(Electronics Electricity) Example
CEET(Electronics Electricity) Example CEET(Electronics& Electricity) ââ¬â Coursework Example Stepper Motors A typical stepper motor has four coils evenly spaced around the field and a permanent magnet armature. If any combination of field orientation can be generated by controlling which coils are turned on, and which direction current flows through each coil, how many different steps or positions can the motor have per revolution? Considering that the motor has 4 different positions of which will discuss them in order to determine the number of the different steps or rather positions that the motor has in one revolution. The illustration of the 4 frames is shown below where the electromagnets are the 4 inner blocks with 4 teeth each. The electromagnets are numbered, electromagnet 1(one labeled 1 and is blue). The next electromagnet is electromagnet 2 which is next to electromagnet 1 in the clockwise direction. Then, have electromagnet 3 and electromagnet 4 in the same clockwise direction. Fig 1. Figure shows the step motor In position 1, the electromagnet 1 which is on top is turned on; it attracts the teeth on the iron rotor gear (red in color). In this way, the gear teeth are aligned to the electromagnet 1. In position 2, electromagnet 1 is maintained as on while electromagnet 2 is powered making the 2 to be on. This aligns the gear teeth between electromagnet 1and electromagnet 2 resulting to a 45 degrees rotation. In position 3, electromagnet 1 is powered off; this will result to alignment of rotor with the electromagnet 2. This leads to an addition rotation of 45 degrees. The moment electromagnet 1 on top is powered again; the rotor will have undergone 8 steps comprising each of 45 degrees. This is due to the fact, the rotor has to go complete revolution which is 360 degrees; it will thus cover (360/45) = 8 steps to make a complete rotation.For the stepper motor shown in problem 3, draw a pulse train for the four coils that will rotate the motor in eight 45 degree steps all the way around the motor. For each step covered by the coil that transla tes to one pulse so since the coil undergoes 8 steps the pulse train will contain 8 pulses as shown in the diagram below.Fig 2. Shows the 8 pulses of a pulse train for the 4 coilsWork cited1. ââ¬Å"Integrating PC- based logic and motion controlâ⬠White paper, Entivity I Incorporation2. Benjamin C, Kuo. ââ¬Å"Incremental motion control-step motors and control systemsâ⬠, 19793. Technical paper ââ¬Å"Introduction to stepper motor systemâ⬠. Anaheim Automation Corporation4. Douglas W. Jones ââ¬Å"Control of stepping motor. Tutorialâ⬠cs.uiowa.edu/~jones/step?types.html5. sdp-si.com/D220/PDF/D220T155.pdf6. Susan Weinscheck, Pamela Jamar, Sarah C. Yeo. ââ¬Å"GUI design essentialsâ⬠. 19977. Randolph J. Andrews. ââ¬Å"Motion control terminal blocks: the next step in distributed motion controlâ⬠, Incremental Motion Control Systems and Devices Symposium, 19998. Parker Hannifin Corporation technical paper. ââ¬Å"Linear motor basicsâ⬠9. www.Compumotor.co m. Retrieved on 19th March 2013.10. www.motorola.com. Retrieved on 19th March 2013.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A List of Typical Special Ed. Accommodations
A List of Typical Special Ed. Accommodations Individualized accommodations are put in place to help learners at risk and students with special needs to have success in their IEP or academic program. Typically, accommodations are listed in the students IEP. Here is a list of suggestions for accommodations for a variety of disabilities: Try crossà ability grouping. Create a group of typical peers who can support the student with the special education.à Provide photocopied notes (or a study guide) to eliminate the students with IEPs frustration and difficulty with hand-eye coordination, requiring copying from the board.à Make use of Graphic Organizers.Provide organization tips and meet with parents to show them how to use the strategies to support their students at home.Simplify and declutter.à If your classroom is cluttered, it creates distractions that create barriers to students success.à They find disorienting.à So, declutter and help students keep their work areas or desks organized.à Provide time management tips and skills. Sometimes it helps to have sticky notes on the students desk to remind the student of how much time they have to complete tasks.Tracking sheets. Provide a tracking sheet of agenda where students will write expected assignments for the week/day.Keep lessons concrete. Use visual and concrete materials as much as possible. Use assistive technology when available.Find students buddies and model for them how to support the student with disabilities without over functioning for the student.à Keep instructions and directions chunked. Provide one step at a time, dont overload the student on too many pieces of information at once.Color code items. For instance, put some red tape on a math textbook along with red tape on the math notebook. Color code items that help the child with organization tips and that provide information about what is needed.Make sure there are visual clues around the room to prompt appropriate behavior and academic activities.à Provide extra time for the processing of information.Larger size font is sometimes helpful.Provide auditory supports to limit the amount of text the student is required to read.à Give repetition and clarification regularly.Provide close proximity to the teacher.Seat the child away from distractions whenever possible. Think critically about seating arrangem ents.Provide reminders on the desk - taped 100s charts, number lines, vocabulary lists, word bank lists taped alphabets for printing or writing etc. Provide a study carrel or alternate place to work for specific tasks.Provide scribing or a peer for scribing when necessary or utilize the speech to text software applications.Give ongoing feedback.Pay close attention to lighting, sometimes preferential lighting can make a world of difference.Provide a chillax area, a quiet location to enable the student to chill out or relax.Provide headphones to remove extraneous noises.Let the child provide oral responses instead of written where appropriate to demonstrate an understanding of the concept.Provide time extensions as necessary. Be selective when determining the accommodations that will best help the student. If the accommodations dont work after a specified period of time, try something else. Remember, the IEP is a working document and its success will depend on how closely the contents are implemented, monitored and revised to meet the students needs.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Organizing a two-hour training seminar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Organizing a two-hour training seminar - Essay Example The company has since confirmed our request thus assigning us one of their renowned teacher, Deb Walker. Besides assigning us a teacher, the company has confirmed the date, time and venue for the seminar. The date remains 16 October 2014 as from 2PM to 4PM at the facilityââ¬â¢s hall. I have made all the necessary arrangements including securing the resources, the venue and communicating the seminar progress to all the employees of the hospital. The seminar is therefore on course, as you had desired. Kindly note that we, at Broadworth General Hospital have received confirmation from your company that you will be offering a public lecture to our staff, topics we seek to cover teach will include sexual harassment and unlawful discrimination. We have therefore secured all the resources you will need for the training and therefore anticipate your arrival. The seminar will take place at the hospitalââ¬â¢s hall on 16 October 2014 as from 2PM to
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