Friday, October 18, 2019

Oriented Programming and Software Engineering Essay

Oriented Programming and Software Engineering - Essay Example According to Lock (2007), excusable delays are delays that are beyond control of both the owner and the contractors. Excusable delays are caused by natural and man-made calamities such as severe weather, fires and floods as well as transport delays and labour strikes that are beyond control of both the project owner and the contractor. Concurrent delays are project delays arising from delaying two or more projects within a specified time frame and are caused by contractor or owners events. The aggrieved party can claim damages from the other. Compensable delays are project delays that require one party to the contract to demand damages from the party that caused the delays. Damages are paid due to increased project costs caused by increased crew size and cost of raw materials as well as loss of productivity as a result of interrupted work sequence. The effects of projects delays include increased cost of the projects; deny owner and contractors other business opportunities and cause tempers (Assaf and Al-Hejji 2009). Time management techniques that this research will address include critical path method, non-delay approach, precedence requirement, optimal timing and project crashing (Mishra and Soota 2006). 4.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT Assaf and Al-Hejji (2006) ascertained that 70 percent of construction projects in Saudi Arabia experience time overruns. According to Levy (2009), project delays result in increased cost of the project, dissatisfaction, lost opportunities and escalated tempers. It also dampens reputation of the contractor and may negatively influence future awards of projects. The cost of delays is significant to both the contractor and the owner. Increased in cost of delayed project is attributed to escalating cost of construction materials, equipment and office rental, and labour because project cost are time related. Therefore, there is need to minimise construction projects delays 4.2 SIGNIFICANCE OF RESEARCH First, the research will provide insight into the causes and effects of project delays and recommends how project delays can be reduced. Therefore, it will be helpful to experts in construction industry. Secondly, findings of the research will form the basis of literature review for scholars who will find it useful in their future study of the industry. Thirdly, it will increase my understanding and insight in construction projects. 5.0 RESEARCH QUESTIONS What are critical factors that delay projects? What are the effects of activity delays in project management? Which time management techniques promote time execution of project tasks? 6.0 DATA COLLECTION 6.1 DATA COLLECTION METHODOLOGY Primary data will be collected to identify factors and assess effects of time delays in construction projects as well as assess various time management techniques. Three research assistants will be engaged in distribution and collection of data. Data will be collected from project locations. The whole research will take a hundred and twent y days. 6.2 RESEARCH INSTRUMENT (QUESTIONNAIRE) 6.2.1 QUESTIONNAIRE CONSTRUCTION The questionnaire will be developed to obtain

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