Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Idea Of Race Throughout History And Even In Today’S

The idea of race throughout history and even in today’s society is a misunderstood concept, this is because the word has no actual taxonomic significance because all humans belong to the same species, Homo sapiens. Although two people can look completely different from each other if they are both human they are not actually different. Go back two hundred or three hundred years ago, and the belief that a white person was more dominant or â€Å"free† then a colored person is thriving throughout America and creating a very big problem that has to do with race and that is slavery. It was based upon racism and the belief that a white man was free and an African American man was not even though they were being forcibly taken from Africa and other†¦show more content†¦After the first European settlers arrived and established themselves, they wanted to get cheaper labor than the indentured servants they were originally bringing over. This caused them to look towards Af rica to meet their wants and needs of cheap labor, after the arrival of the first slaves to help the Jamestown colony in Virginia it took on a snowball effect and became what is known as today. After the American Revolution, the northerners weren’t relying on slavery as a big part of their economy and so they viewed slavery like their own oppression by the British and wanted to abolish slavery (History.com staff. Slavery in America, 26 Feb. 2017). Slave holders wanted their slaves to depend on them and so they set restrictive codes for slaves, like prohibiting them from learning to read and write, as well as limiting their movement, and many slave holders would rape their slave women. After Abraham Lincoln was elected president the southern states one after the after started to secede from the union to form the Confederate States, after the Civil War started five more seceded and joined the Confederate States, after the war ended and the Union won, Lincoln issued a preliminar y emancipation proclamation, and on the first of January 1863, he made it official that â€Å"slaves within any State, or designated part of a State†¦in rebellion, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free† (History.com staff. Slavery in America, 26 Feb. 2017). After the end of the Civil WarShow MoreRelatedThe Use Of Sterilization Of Minorities By Supporting The Eugenics Movement946 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout history, people have consistently tried to prove that groups with inborn qualities can either vastly improve or degenerate different races over time. This rhetoric has been proven multiple times throughout the course of the last century in the United States and Nazi-reigned Germany. 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